Source code for controltowerlib.controltowerlib

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:
# Copyright 2020 Costas Tyfoxylos
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
#  deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
#  rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
#  sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
#  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
#  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#  pylint: disable=too-many-lines

Main code for controltowerlib.

.. _Google Python Style Guide:


import copy
import json
import logging
import time
from functools import lru_cache, wraps
from time import sleep

import boto3
import botocore
import requests
from awsauthenticationlib import AwsAuthenticator
from awsauthenticationlib.awsauthenticationlib import LoggerMixin
from opnieuw import retry

from .controltowerlibexceptions import (UnsupportedTarget,
from .resources import (LOGGER,

__author__ = '''Costas Tyfoxylos <>'''
__docformat__ = '''google'''
__date__ = '''18-02-2020'''
__copyright__ = '''Copyright 2020, Costas Tyfoxylos'''
__credits__ = ["Costas Tyfoxylos"]
__license__ = '''MIT'''
__maintainer__ = '''Costas Tyfoxylos'''
__email__ = '''<>'''
__status__ = '''Development'''  # "Prototype", "Development", "Production".

[docs]class ControlTower(LoggerMixin): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods """Models Control Tower by wrapping around service catalog.""" api_content_type = 'application/x-amz-json-1.1' api_user_agent = 'aws-sdk-js/2.528.0 promise' supported_targets = ['listManagedOrganizationalUnits', 'manageOrganizationalUnit', 'deregisterOrganizationalUnit', 'listManagedAccounts', 'getGuardrailComplianceStatus', 'describeManagedOrganizationalUnit', 'listGuardrailsForTarget', 'getAvailableUpdates', 'describeCoreService', 'getAccountInfo', 'listEnabledGuardrails', 'listGuardrails', 'listOrganizationalUnitsForParent', 'listDriftDetails', 'getLandingZoneStatus', 'setupLandingZone', 'getHomeRegion', 'listGuardrailViolations', 'getCatastrophicDrift', 'getGuardrailComplianceStatus', 'describeAccountFactoryConfig', 'performPreLaunchChecks', 'deleteLandingZone' ] core_account_types = ['PRIMARY', 'LOGGING', 'SECURITY']
[docs] def validate_availability(method): # noqa """Validation decorator.""" @wraps(method) def wrap(*args, **kwargs): """Inner wrapper decorator.""" logger = logging.getLogger(f'{LOGGER_BASENAME}.validation_decorator') contol_tower_instance = args[0] logger.debug('Decorating method: %s', method) if not contol_tower_instance.is_deployed: raise ControlTowerNotDeployed if contol_tower_instance.busy: raise ControlTowerBusy return method(*args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=not-callable return wrap
def __init__(self, arn, settling_time=90): self.aws_authenticator = AwsAuthenticator(arn) self.service_catalog = boto3.client('servicecatalog', **self.aws_authenticator.assumed_role_credentials) self.organizations = boto3.client('organizations', **self.aws_authenticator.assumed_role_credentials) self.session = self._get_authenticated_session() self._region = None self._is_deployed = None self.url = f'https://{self.region}' self._iam_admin_url = '' self._account_factory_ = None self.settling_time = settling_time self._root_ou = None self._update_data_ = None self._core_accounts = None @property def _account_factory(self): if any([not self.is_deployed, self.percentage_complete != 100]): return None if self._account_factory_ is None: self._account_factory_ = self._get_account_factory(self.service_catalog) return self._account_factory_ @property def is_deployed(self): """The deployment status of control tower.""" if not self._is_deployed: caller_region = self.aws_authenticator.region url = f'https://{caller_region}' payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={}, target='getLandingZoneStatus', region=caller_region) self.logger.debug('Trying to get the deployed status of the landing zone with payload "%s"', payload) response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Failed to get the deployed status of the landing zone with response status ' '"%s" and response text "%s"', response.status_code, response.text) raise ServiceCallFailed(payload) not_deployed_states = ('NOT_STARTED', 'DELETE_COMPLETED', 'DELETE_FAILED') self._is_deployed = response.json().get('LandingZoneStatus') not in not_deployed_states return self._is_deployed @property def region(self): """Region.""" if not self.is_deployed: self._region = self.aws_authenticator.region return self._region if self._region is None: caller_region = self.aws_authenticator.region url = f'https://{caller_region}' payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={}, target='getHomeRegion', region=caller_region) response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: raise ServiceCallFailed(payload) self._region = response.json().get('HomeRegion') or self.aws_authenticator.region return self._region
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_regions(): """The regions that control tower can be active in. Returns: regions (list): A list of strings of the regions that control tower can be active in. """ url = '' response = requests.get(url) if not response.ok: LOGGER.error('Failed to retrieve the info') return [] return [entry.get('id', '').split(':')[1] for entry in response.json().get('prices') if entry.get('id').startswith('controltower')]
@property @validate_availability def core_accounts(self): """The core accounts of the landing zone. Returns: core_accounts (list): A list of the primary, logging and security account. """ if self._core_accounts is None: core_accounts = [] for account_type in self.core_account_types: payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={'AccountType': account_type}, target='describeCoreService') response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: raise ServiceCallFailed(f'Service call failed with payload {payload}') core_accounts.append(CoreAccount(self, account_type, response.json())) self._core_accounts = core_accounts return self._core_accounts @property @validate_availability def root_ou(self): """The root ou of control tower. Returns: root_ou (ControlTowerOU): The root ou object. """ if self._root_ou is None: self._root_ou = self.get_organizational_unit_by_name('Root') return self._root_ou def _get_authenticated_session(self): return self.aws_authenticator.get_control_tower_authenticated_session() @property def _active_artifact(self): artifacts = self.service_catalog.list_provisioning_artifacts(ProductId=self._account_factory.product_id) return next((artifact for artifact in artifacts.get('ProvisioningArtifactDetails', []) if artifact.get('Active')), None) @staticmethod def _get_account_factory(service_catalog_client): filter_ = {'Owner': ['AWS Control Tower']} try: return AccountFactory(service_catalog_client, service_catalog_client.search_products(Filters=filter_ ).get('ProductViewSummaries', [''])[0]) except IndexError: raise NoServiceCatalogAccess(('Please make sure the role used has access to the "AWS Control Tower Account ' 'Factory Portfolio" in Service Catalog under "Groups, roles, and users"')) def _validate_target(self, target): if target not in self.supported_targets: raise UnsupportedTarget(target) return target def _get_api_payload(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments content_string, target, method='POST', params=None, path=None, region=None): target = self._validate_target(target) payload = {'contentString': json.dumps(content_string), 'headers': {'Content-Type': self.api_content_type, 'X-Amz-Target': f'AWSBlackbeardService.{target[0].capitalize() + target[1:]}', 'X-Amz-User-Agent': self.api_user_agent}, 'method': method, 'operation': target, 'params': params or {}, 'path': path or '/', 'region': region or self.region} return copy.deepcopy(payload) def _get_paginated_results(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments content_payload, target, object_group=None, object_type=None, method='POST', params=None, path=None, region=None, next_token_marker='NextToken'): payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string=content_payload, target=target, method=method, params=params, path=f'/{path}/' if path else '/', region=region) response, next_token = self._get_partial_response(payload, next_token_marker) if not object_group: yield response.json() else: for data in response.json().get(object_group, []): if object_type: yield object_type(self, data) else: yield data while next_token: content_string = copy.deepcopy(json.loads(payload.get('contentString'))) content_string.update({next_token_marker: next_token}) payload.update({'contentString': json.dumps(content_string)}) response, next_token = self._get_partial_response(payload, next_token_marker) if not object_group: yield response.json() else: for data in response.json().get(object_group, []): if object_type: yield object_type(self, data) else: yield data def _get_partial_response(self, payload, next_token_marker): response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.debug('Failed getting partial response with payload :%s\n', payload) self.logger.debug('Response received :%s\n', response.content) raise ValueError(response.text) next_token = response.json().get(next_token_marker) return response, next_token @property def _update_data(self): if self._update_data_ is None: self._update_data_ = next(self._get_paginated_results(content_payload={}, target='getAvailableUpdates')) return self._update_data_ @property @validate_availability def baseline_update_available(self): """Baseline update available.""" return self._update_data.get('BaselineUpdateAvailable') @property @validate_availability def guardrail_update_available(self): """Guardrail update available.""" return self._update_data.get('GuardrailUpdateAvailable') @property @validate_availability def landing_zone_update_available(self): """Landing Zone update available.""" return self._update_data.get('LandingZoneUpdateAvailable') @property @validate_availability def service_landing_zone_version(self): """Service landing zone version.""" return self._update_data.get('ServiceLandingZoneVersion') @property @validate_availability def user_landing_zone_version(self): """User landing zone version.""" return self._update_data.get('UserLandingZoneVersion') @property @validate_availability def landing_zone_version(self): """Landing zone version.""" return self._update_data.get('UserLandingZoneVersion') @property @validate_availability def organizational_units(self): """The organizational units under control tower. Returns: organizational_units (OrganizationalUnit): A list of organizational units objects under control tower's control. """ return self._get_paginated_results(content_payload={'MaxResults': 20}, target='listManagedOrganizationalUnits', object_type=ControlTowerOU, object_group='ManagedOrganizationalUnitList', next_token_marker='NextToken')
[docs] @validate_availability def register_organizations_ou(self, name): """Registers an Organizations OU under control tower. Args: name (str): The name of the Organizations OU to register to Control Tower. Returns: result (bool): True if successfull, False otherwise. """ if self.get_organizational_unit_by_name(name):'OU "%s" is already registered with Control Tower.', name) return True org_ou = self.get_organizations_ou_by_name(name) if not org_ou: self.logger.error('OU "%s" does not exist under organizations.', name) return False return self._register_org_ou_in_control_tower(org_ou)
[docs] @validate_availability def create_organizational_unit(self, name): """Creates a Control Tower managed organizational unit. Args: name (str): The name of the OU to create. Returns: result (bool): True if successfull, False otherwise. """ self.logger.debug('Trying to create OU :"%s" under root ou', name) try: response = self.organizations.create_organizational_unit(, Name=name) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as err: status = err.response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] error_code = err.response["Error"]["Code"] error_message = err.response["Error"]["Message"] if not status == 200: self.logger.error('Failed to create OU "%s" under Organizations with error code %s: %s', name, error_code, error_message) return False org_ou = OrganizationsOU(response.get('OrganizationalUnit', {})) self.logger.debug(response) return self._register_org_ou_in_control_tower(org_ou)
def _register_org_ou_in_control_tower(self, org_ou): self.logger.debug('Trying to move management of OU under Control Tower') payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={'OrganizationalUnitId':, 'OrganizationalUnitName':, 'ParentOrganizationalUnitId':, 'ParentOrganizationalUnitName':, 'OrganizationalUnitType': 'CUSTOM'}, target='manageOrganizationalUnit') response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Failed to register OU "%s" to Control Tower with response status "%s" ' 'and response text "%s"',, response.status_code, response.text) return False self.logger.debug('Giving %s seconds time for the guardrails to be applied', self.settling_time) time.sleep(self.settling_time) self.logger.debug('Successfully moved management of OU "%s" under Control Tower', return response.ok
[docs] @validate_availability def delete_organizational_unit(self, name): """Deletes a Control Tower managed organizational unit. Args: name (str): The name of the OU to delete. Returns: result (bool): True if successfull, False otherwise. """ organizational_unit = self.get_organizational_unit_by_name(name) if not organizational_unit: self.logger.error('No organizational unit with name :"%s" registered with Control Tower', name) return False payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={'OrganizationalUnitId':}, target='deregisterOrganizationalUnit') self.logger.debug('Trying to unregister OU "%s" with payload "%s"', name, payload) response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Failed to unregister OU "%s" with response status "%s" and response text "%s"', name, response.status_code, response.text) return False self.logger.debug('Successfully unregistered management of OU "%s" from Control Tower', name) self.logger.debug('Trying to delete OU "%s" from Organizations', name) response = self.organizations.delete_organizational_unit( self.logger.debug(response) return bool(response.get('ResponseMetadata', {}).get('HTTPStatusCode') == 200)
[docs] @validate_availability def get_organizational_unit_by_name(self, name): """Gets a Control Tower managed Organizational Unit by name. Args: name (str): The name of the organizational unit to retrieve. Returns: result (ControlTowerOU): A OU object on success, None otherwise. """ return next((ou for ou in self.organizational_units if == name), None)
[docs] @validate_availability def get_organizational_unit_by_id(self, id_): """Gets a Control Tower managed Organizational Unit by id. Args: id_ (str): The id of the organizational unit to retrieve. Returns: result (ControlTowerOU): A OU object on success, None otherwise. """ return next((ou for ou in self.organizational_units if == id_), None)
@property @validate_availability def organizations_ous(self): """The organizational units under Organizations. Returns: organizational_units (OrganizationsOU): A list of organizational units objects under Organizations. """ response = self.organizations.list_organizational_units_for_parent( return [OrganizationsOU(data) for data in response.get('OrganizationalUnits', [])]
[docs] @validate_availability def get_organizations_ou_by_name(self, name): """Gets an Organizations managed Organizational Unit by name. Args: name (str): The name of the organizational unit to retrieve. Returns: result (OrganizationsOU): A OU object on success, None otherwise. """ return next((ou for ou in self.organizations_ous if == name), None)
[docs] @validate_availability def get_organizations_ou_by_id(self, id_): """Gets an Organizations managed Organizational Unit by id. Args: id_ (str): The id of the organizational unit to retrieve. Returns: result (OrganizationsOU): A OU object on success, None otherwise. """ return next((ou for ou in self.organizations_ous if == id_), None)
[docs] @validate_availability def get_organizations_ou_by_arn(self, arn): """Gets an Organizations managed Organizational Unit by arn. Args: arn (str): The arn of the organizational unit to retrieve. Returns: result (OrganizationsOU): A OU object on success, None otherwise. """ return next((ou for ou in self.organizations_ous if ou.arn == arn), None)
@property @validate_availability def accounts(self): """The accounts under control tower. Returns: accounts (Account): A list of account objects under control tower's control. """ return self._get_paginated_results(content_payload={}, target='listManagedAccounts', object_type=ControlTowerAccount, object_group='ManagedAccountList', next_token_marker='NextToken') @property def _service_catalog_accounts_data(self): products = self.service_catalog.search_provisioned_products() return [data for data in products.get('ProvisionedProducts', []) if data.get('Type', '') == 'CONTROL_TOWER_ACCOUNT']
[docs] @validate_availability def get_available_accounts(self): """Retrieves the available accounts from control tower. Returns: accounts (Account): A list of available account objects under control tower's control. """ return self._filter_for_status('AVAILABLE')
[docs] @validate_availability def get_erroring_accounts(self): """Retrieves the erroring accounts from control tower. Returns: accounts (Account): A list of erroring account objects under control tower's control. """ return self._filter_for_status('ERROR')
[docs] @validate_availability def get_accounts_with_available_updates(self): """Retrieves the accounts that have available updates from control tower. Returns: accounts (Account): A list of account objects under control tower's control with available updates. """ return [account for account in self.accounts if account.has_available_update]
[docs] @validate_availability def get_updated_accounts(self): """Retrieves the accounts that have no available updates from control tower. Returns: accounts (Account): A list of account objects under control tower's control with no available updates. """ return [account for account in self.accounts if not account.has_available_update]
[docs] def get_changing_accounts(self): """Retrieves the under change accounts from control tower. Returns: accounts (Account): A list of under change account objects under control tower's control. """ products = self.service_catalog.search_provisioned_products() return [ControlTowerAccount(self, {'AccountId': data.get('PhysicalId')}) for data in products.get('ProvisionedProducts', []) if all([data.get('Type', '') == 'CONTROL_TOWER_ACCOUNT', data.get('Status', '') == 'UNDER_CHANGE'])]
def _filter_for_status(self, status): return [account for account in self.accounts if account.service_catalog_status == status] def _get_by_attribute(self, attribute, value): return next((account for account in self.accounts if getattr(account, attribute) == value), None) def _get_service_catalog_data_by_account_id(self, account_id): return next((data for data in self._service_catalog_accounts_data if data.get('PhysicalId') == account_id), None)
[docs] @validate_availability def get_account_by_name(self, name): """Retrieves an account by name. Returns: account (Account): An account object that matches the name or None. """ return self._get_by_attribute('name', name)
[docs] @validate_availability def get_account_by_id(self, id_): """Retrieves an account by id. Returns: account (Account): An account object that matches the id or None. """ return self._get_by_attribute('id', id_)
[docs] @validate_availability def get_account_by_arn(self, arn): """Retrieves an account by arn. Returns: account (Account): An account object that matches the arn or None. """ return self._get_by_attribute('arn', arn)
[docs] @retry(retry_on_exceptions=OUCreating, max_calls_total=7, retry_window_after_first_call_in_seconds=60) @validate_availability def create_account(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments account_name, account_email, organizational_unit, product_name=None, sso_first_name=None, sso_last_name=None, sso_user_email=None): """Creates a Control Tower managed account. Args: account_name (str): The name of the account. account_email (str): The email of the account. organizational_unit (str): The organizational unit that the account should be under. product_name (str): The product name, if nothing is provided it uses the account name. sso_first_name (str): The first name of the SSO user, defaults to "Control" sso_last_name (str): The last name of the SSO user, defaults to "Tower" sso_user_email (str): The email of the sso, if nothing is provided it uses the account email. Returns: result (bool): True on success, False otherwise. """ product_name = product_name or account_name sso_user_email = sso_user_email or account_email sso_first_name = sso_first_name or 'Control' sso_last_name = sso_last_name or 'Tower' if not self.get_organizational_unit_by_name(organizational_unit): if not self.create_organizational_unit(organizational_unit): self.logger.error('Unable to create the organizational unit!') return False arguments = {'ProductId': self._account_factory.product_id, 'ProvisionedProductName': product_name, 'ProvisioningArtifactId': self._active_artifact.get('Id'), 'ProvisioningParameters': [{'Key': 'AccountName', 'Value': account_name}, {'Key': 'AccountEmail', 'Value': account_email}, {'Key': 'SSOUserFirstName', 'Value': sso_first_name}, {'Key': 'SSOUserLastName', 'Value': sso_last_name}, {'Key': 'SSOUserEmail', 'Value': sso_user_email}, {'Key': 'ManagedOrganizationalUnit', 'Value': organizational_unit}]} try: response = self.service_catalog.provision_product(**arguments) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as err: if CREATING_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE in err.response['Error']['Message']: raise OUCreating raise response_metadata = response.get('ResponseMetadata', {}) success = response_metadata.get('HTTPStatusCode') == 200 if not success: self.logger.error('Failed to create account, response was :%s', response_metadata) return False # Making sure that eventual consistency is not a problem here, # we wait for control tower to be aware of the service catalog process while not self.busy: time.sleep(1) return True
@property @validate_availability def service_control_policies(self): """The service control policies under organization. Returns: service_control_policies (list): A list of SCPs under the organization. """ return [ServiceControlPolicy(data) for data in self.organizations.list_policies(Filter='SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY').get('Policies', [])]
[docs] @validate_availability def get_service_control_policy_by_name(self, name): """Retrieves a service control policy by name. Args: name (str): The name of the SCP to retrieve Returns: scp (ServiceControlPolicy): The scp if a match is found else None. """ return next((scp for scp in self.service_control_policies if == name), None)
[docs] @validate_availability def update(self): """Updates the control tower to the latest version. Returns: bool: True on success, False on failure. """ if not self.landing_zone_update_available: self.logger.warning('Landing zone does not seem to need update, is at version %s', self.landing_zone_version) return False log_account = next((account for account in self.core_accounts if account.label == 'LOGGING'), None) if not log_account: raise ServiceCallFailed('Could not retrieve logging account to get the email.') security_account = next((account for account in self.core_accounts if account.label == 'SECURITY'), None) if not security_account: raise ServiceCallFailed('Could not retrieve security account to get the email.') payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={'HomeRegion': self.region, 'LogAccountEmail':, 'SecurityAccountEmail':}, target='setupLandingZone') self.logger.debug('Trying to update the landing zone with payload "%s"', payload) response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Failed to update the landing zone with response status "%s" and response text "%s"', response.status_code, response.text) return False self.logger.debug('Successfully started updating landing zone') return True
@property def busy(self): """Busy.""" return any([self.status == 'IN_PROGRESS', self.status == 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', self.get_changing_accounts()]) @property def status(self): """Status.""" return self._get_status().get('LandingZoneStatus') @property def percentage_complete(self): """Percentage complete.""" return self._get_status().get('PercentageComplete') @property def deploying_messages(self): """Deploying messages.""" return self._get_status().get('Messages') @property def region_metadata_list(self): """Region metadata list.""" return self._get_status().get('RegionMetadataList') @lru_cache(maxsize=2) def _get_status(self): payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={}, target='getLandingZoneStatus') self.logger.debug('Trying to get the landing zone status with payload "%s"', payload) response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Failed to get the landing zone status with response status "%s" and response text "%s"', response.status_code, response.text) return {} self.logger.debug('Successfully got landing zone status.') return response.json() @property @validate_availability def drift_messages(self): """Drift messages.""" payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={}, target='listDriftDetails') self.logger.debug('Trying to get the drift messages of the landing zone with payload "%s"', payload) response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Failed to get the drift message of the landing zone with response status "%s" and ' 'response text "%s"', response.status_code, response.text) return [] return response.json().get('DriftDetails') @property @validate_availability def enabled_guard_rails(self): """Enabled guard rails.""" output = [] for result in self._get_paginated_results(content_payload={}, target='listEnabledGuardrails'): output.extend([GuardRail(self, data) for data in result.get('EnabledGuardrailList')]) return output @property @validate_availability def guard_rails(self): """Guard rails.""" output = [] for result in self._get_paginated_results(content_payload={}, target='listGuardrails'): output.extend([GuardRail(self, data) for data in result.get('GuardrailList')]) return output @property @validate_availability def guard_rails_violations(self): """List guard rails violations.""" output = [] for result in self._get_paginated_results(content_payload={}, target='listGuardrailViolations'): output.extend(result.get('GuardrailViolationList')) return output @property @validate_availability def catastrophic_drift(self): """List of catastrophic drift.""" output = [] for result in self._get_paginated_results(content_payload={}, target='getCatastrophicDrift'): output.extend(result.get('DriftDetails')) return output @property def _account_factory_config(self): """The config of the account factory.""" payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={}, target='describeAccountFactoryConfig') self.logger.debug('Trying to get the account factory config of the landing zone with payload "%s"', payload) response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Failed to get the the account factory config of the landing zone with response status ' '"%s" and response text "%s"', response.status_code, response.text) return {} return response.json().get('AccountFactoryConfig') def _pre_deploy_check(self): """Pre deployment check.""" payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={}, target='performPreLaunchChecks') self.logger.debug('Trying the pre deployment check with payload "%s"', payload) response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Failed to do the pre deployment checks with response status ' '"%s" and response text "%s"', response.status_code, response.text) return [] return response.json().get('PreLaunchChecksResult')
[docs] def is_email_used(self, email): """Check email for availability to be used or if it is already in use.""" payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={'AccountEmail': email}, target='getAccountInfo') self.logger.debug('Trying to check email with payload "%s"', payload) response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Failed to check for email with response status ' '"%s" and response text "%s"', response.status_code, response.text) raise EmailCheckFailed(response.text) return response.json().get('AccountWithEmailExists')
def _validate_regions(self, regions): available_regions = self.get_available_regions() if not set(available_regions).issuperset(set(regions)): raise UnavailableRegion(set(regions) - set(available_regions)) return regions def _create_system_role(self, parameters): default_params = {'Action': 'CreateServiceRole', 'ContentType': 'JSON', 'ServicePrincipalName': '', 'TemplateVersion': 1} default_params.update(parameters) payload = {'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1'}, 'method': 'GET', 'params': default_params, 'path': '/', 'region': 'us-east-1'} self.logger.debug('Trying to system role with payload "%s"', payload) response =, json=payload) if all([not response.ok, response.status_code == 409, response.json().get('Error', {}).get('Code') == 'EntityAlreadyExists]']): self.logger.error('Entity already exists, response status "%s" and response text "%s"', response.status_code, response.text) return True if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Entity already exists, response status "%s" and response text "%s"', response.status_code, response.text) return True self.logger.debug('Successfully created system role.') return True def _create_control_tower_admin(self): parameters = {'AmazonManagedPolicyArn': 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSControlTowerServiceRolePolicy', 'Description': 'AWS Control Tower policy to manage AWS resources', 'PolicyName': 'AWSControlTowerAdminPolicy', 'RoleName': 'AWSControlTowerAdmin', 'TemplateName': 'AWSControlTowerAdmin', 'TemplateVersion': 2} return self._create_system_role(parameters) def _create_control_tower_cloud_trail_role(self): parameters = {'Description': 'AWS Cloud Trail assumes this role to create and ' 'publish Cloud Trail logs', 'PolicyName': 'AWSControlTowerCloudTrailRolePolicy', 'RoleName': 'AWSControlTowerCloudTrailRole', 'TemplateName': 'AWSControlTowerCloudTrailRole'} return self._create_system_role(parameters) def _create_control_tower_stack_set_role(self): parameters = {'Description': 'AWS CloudFormation assumes this role to deploy ' 'stacksets in accounts created by AWS Control Tower', 'PolicyName': 'AWSControlTowerStackSetRolePolicy', 'RoleName': 'AWSControlTowerStackSetRole', 'TemplateName': 'AWSControlTowerStackSetRole'} return self._create_system_role(parameters) def _create_control_tower_config_aggregator_role(self): parameters = {'AmazonManagedPolicyArn': 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSConfigRoleForOrganizations', 'Description': 'AWS ControlTower needs this role to help in ' 'external config rule detection', 'RoleName': 'AWSControlTowerConfigAggregatorRoleForOrganizations', 'TemplateName': 'AWSControlTowerConfigAggregatorRole'} return self._create_system_role(parameters)
[docs] def deploy(self, logging_account_email, security_account_email, regions=None, retries=10, wait=1): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """Deploys control tower. Returns: bool: True on success, False on failure. """ if self.is_deployed: self.logger.warning('Control tower does not seem to need deploying, already deployed.') return True regions = self._validate_regions(regions or [self.region]) region_list = [{"Region": region, "RegionConfigurationStatus": "ENABLED" if region in regions else "DISABLED"} for region in self.get_available_regions()] validation = self._pre_deploy_check() self.logger.debug('Got validation response %s.', validation) if not all([list(entry.values()).pop().get('Result') == 'SUCCESS' for entry in validation]): raise PreDeployValidationFailed(validation) invalid_emails = [email for email in [logging_account_email, security_account_email] if self.is_email_used(email)] if invalid_emails: raise EmailInUse(invalid_emails) if not all([self._create_control_tower_admin(), self._create_control_tower_cloud_trail_role(), self._create_control_tower_stack_set_role(), self._create_control_tower_config_aggregator_role()]): raise RoleCreationFailure('Unable to create required roles AWSControlTowerAdmin, ' 'AWSControlTowerCloudTrailRole, AWSControlTowerStackSetRole, ' 'AWSControlTowerConfigAggregatorRole, manual cleanup is required.') payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={'HomeRegion': self.region, 'LogAccountEmail': logging_account_email, 'SecurityAccountEmail': security_account_email, 'RegionConfigurationList': region_list}, target='setupLandingZone') self.logger.debug('Trying to deploy control tower with payload "%s"', payload) return self._deploy(payload, retries, wait)
def _deploy(self, payload, retries=10, wait=1): succeded = False while retries: response =, json=payload) succeded = response.ok retries -= 1 if response.ok: retries = 0 if all([not response.ok, retries]): self.logger.error('Failed to deploy control tower with response status "%s" and response text "%s"' 'still have %s retries will wait for %s seconds', response.status_code, response.text, retries, wait) sleep(wait) if not succeded: self.logger.error('Failed to deploy control tower, retries were spent.. Maybe try again later?') return False self.logger.debug('Successfully started deploying control tower.') return True
[docs] def decommission(self): """Decommissions a landing zone. The api call does not seem to be enough and although the resources are decomissioned like with the proper process, control tower responds with a delete failed on the api, so it seems that aws needs to perform actions on their end for the decommissioning to be successful. Returns: response (bool): True if the process starts successfully, False otherwise. """ payload = self._get_api_payload(content_string={}, target='deleteLandingZone', region=self.region) response =, json=payload) if not response.ok: self.logger.error('Failed to decommission control tower with response status "%s" and response text "%s"', response.status_code, response.text) return False self._is_deployed = None self.logger.debug('Successfully started decommissioning control tower.') return True